Life...You Can't Make This Stuff Up!
As truth students, we are continually aware of opportunities to draw extraordinary spiritual lessons from some of the most ordinary occurrences in our daily lives. When we are alert and receptive, we can go beyond superficial appearances, and perceive a rich and nuanced spiritual current underpinning all of our life experiences. Rev. Lisa shared stories that inspired and reminded us to be alert for every day miracles, messages, and opportunities to practice spiritual principles, which can empower us and make life more meaningful.
About Rev. Lisa Bansavage:
Reverend Lisa Bansavage is an ordained interfaith minister. She has an active ceremonial ministry and has officiated over 600 weddings, baby blessings, baby namings, and funeral services. As the daughter of an interfaith couple, her childhood spiritual home was the First Unitarian Church on Ellsworth. After graduating from CMU’s drama department, she enjoyed a busy theatre career. While living in New York, she attended Unity services for over ten years at Lincoln Center under the leadership of the renowned Reverend Eric Butterworth. She and her husband co-edited BRIDGE TO THE SACRED, A Collection of Interfaith Prayers.
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